Feeding for Conception

Nutrition plays a key role in the conception of the foal as it plays a large role in productive performance and the correct functioning of the hormonal and oestrus cycle.

Feeding the pregnant mare and later the foal is not the same as feeding a non-pregnant horse. She will have different energy requirements, different mineral and vitamin requirements and different exercise requirements. Getting the feed wrong, and causing an imbalance of nutrients can cause fatal diseases in the unborn foal and the mare. If you are ever unsure about the symptoms that your mare is displaying, it is imperative that you contact your vet or nutritionist in order to understand the situation.

Unless the mare is already overweight, it has shown that a mare that puts on weight during the joining period has a 60% increase in conception rates compared with a mare that loses weight during the same period.

You should increase the mare’s plane of nutrition 3—45 days before the start of the breeding season and continue until you are sure that she is in foal. If the mare is overweight, she should be allowed to lose the weight during the winter period, and then placed on an improving plane of nutrition in order to encourage the onset and regular return of the oestrus cycle.

Genetic Testing: Practical Horse Genetics

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